Saturday, February 23, 2008

10 things...

Got this tag from Veens (I mean, I brought it with me from her blog, she doesn't know me yet :)

The rules of the game are:

---write 10 things u hate about the opposite sex

---at the end of the tag, tag 5 random bloggers to take up the tag

Ok, so here goes....

1. I hate their belief "when a girl says no, she actually means yes". I actually had a guy propose to me (marriage, no less!!!) and I said no, and he goes, that's ok, I know you mean yes! What the *(&^! This was a long time ago, I hope its not that common anymore!

2. Got this from SOOO many guys since I got married two months ago, "why haven't you changed your last name? You don't want to accept the new family?" Urrgghhh! My husband and I LOVE my name, we have no issues, we do not want the hassle of going through the procedure, that too in two countries, of changing my identity. I am still not done with changing my address, for crying out loud! So let it rest, guys!!! Its amazing that only guys were concerned about this, no gals, not even my mother-in-law!

3. Yes, I whistle, get over it! Why do guys think its unusual for girls to whistle? Monopoly hai kya?

4. Thankfully, I have never faced this in my 10 year long career, but have heard enough stories about guys not liking women in high positions at work. Indira Gandhi was good enough to rule the country, but your own boss not smart enough to manage you, eh?

5. Guys having issues with women putting career before "home". Thankfully have only heard stories about this, never had to experience it.

6. Guys getting overprotective. Protective is cute, overprotecting gets me mad!

7. There's this guy at work, who keeps joking about "keeping his woman (wife) in control". Yuck!

8. Hate it, hate it, hate it when guys look me up from head to toe. YUCKKK!!!! We don't do it to you, guys, so give some respect! Thankfully, I don't see much of this too.

9. Guys complaining about "girls are all so bossy, its their way or no way". Even if you are joking, its getting really old now!

10. Hate the "woman-driver" type emails guys seem to revel in. They forward them to me, and write a disclaimer saying, I don't really mean this, its just for good fun. Ok, so here's a piece of my mind for you guys, I am not as good a sport as you think, and these kind of emails REALLY irritate me!

The second rule was to tag 5 more people, but I don't know that many bloggies, so can't tag that many:( I think I will tag Pavi


Anonymous said...


yu have let your anger/frustration take ctrl... mmm ! and I love ittt!


I m so proud that yu dint change yur name! Kudos!


actually na! I only saw one of the blogs listed and then I dint see this one at all :)

now that I see! I promise to drop in and out :)

now i have one more person I can tag REGULARLY :D

Pavi!!!! said...

Tag well done. Will get to mine soon and keep u posted once done

Neetal said...

visited your post from Pavi's blog...

I am in complete agreement with #10 and #1 ! Seriously, Its high time they should get the point that... YES = YES and NO = YES IT IS A 'NO'

and about the driving... I feel like running over this misconception !

p.s: what camera do you use for taking pictures... they have come out very clear and pretty :)

aneri_masi said...

Thanks Neeku :)
Coming to think of it, we are not bad drivers, we just have rotten sense of direction (at least I am very bad with directions!)

I have three cameras, one is a regular point and shoot, Sony Cyber-shot DSC W90, one is a semi-pro type (can't remember the model, thats the one I used with the lilies), and a Nikon D200 which is still in its box.

I'll update the blog with the camera details for all pics.

Will update the blog

Solitaire said...

Groan and moan at number 2
I hate that!! yuck yuck!
Ask them to change their names to accept their wives family.

aneri_masi said...

@solitaire I did say something similar to one of the guys. I said "maybe...when my husband changes his name, I will change mine", and he had yet another chauvinistic comment, there, looks like you have already started torturing the poor soul into changing for you. Ughhhh!

And there is yet another colleague who really gets on my nerves, I know he doesn't mean any of it, so I tolerate him, but every monday morning he comes and asks me, is your husband ok, hope you didn't make him run around too much doing chores!

Solitaire said... have to read the comments on my new post on if you already have not.

I have talked about the generalizations made on women being bad drivers and some comments say its true.

They just don't get it!!

Pavi!!!! said...

Tag executed!